Download here by clicking this link: AsteroidCityLUT_ver1
UPDATE*** Download Variation 2 here: Asteroid City Variation2
Variation 2 LUT Example
Variation 2 Curve
Variation 1 (from the original LUT pack) below
I spent a few hours recently taking a look at the look Wes Anderson’s Asteroid City film grade.
So here’s the basic deconstruction LUT for you to try out. A lot of the look of the film is down to the set dressing and clothing. Its a low contrast affair with good saturation and a flattened orange and teal finish.
You can see by looking at the Davinci charts at some of the film clips where the cyan/teal and orange/red colors fall and I’ve done a rolled off LUT here to start with trying to keep things very smooth.
Other versions I had looked at were much more aggressive but I’m maybe one day I will put up the best of them on this page when I get time to analyse and select the best of them. You will notice if you watch the trailer that the grader actually hasn’t matched all the Skies up with the same hue – take note – so there’s no defect standardised look.
Variation 1 Curve
If you look at my LUT RGB curve it will give you some idea of the separation if you wish to go ahead and build your own. But its a scene by scene grade and you may want to analyse from the trailer where color falls on the parade waveform as well as the vector scope.
Anyways, enjoy this attempt if you find it useful. The usual set of LUTs is included.