Goldilocks ‘Just Right’ Skintones False Color LUT for V-Log FREE!

The LUT that helps you keep subjects within 1.66 Stops Below (V-log 29% IRE) and 1.66 Stops Above (V-Log 56% IRE) Middle Gray whilst using V-Log! UPDATE: The Sony Cameras S-Log3 Version is HERE Goldilocks LUT is calculated to give you ‘just right‘ skin tones in gray scale exposure from minus 1.66 stops (29%IRE in...

Nick Driftwood’s FREE Real Time LUT Pack

It’s been a real pleasure designing and crafting these Real Time LUTs from some of my back catalogue and some new. These are just a small portion of my designs and soon (great news) my LUTs WILL actually be available from LUMIX Lab App to make it much more easier to access my LUTs on...

Apocalypse Now v19 Eastman 5247 LUT – Another Variation to try for FREE!

So I couldn’t resist playing with my Apocalypse Now LUT – an Eastman Color Negative II 100T 5247/7247 35mm film neg with emulated characteristics of a WRATTEN Gelatin No. 85 to bring you version 19. Like before the LUT was appropriated under Daylight 5600K settings but this time we have pushed the orange look a...

Asteroid City Look LUT FREE

Download here by clicking this link: AsteroidCityLUT_ver1 UPDATE*** Download Variation 2 here: Asteroid City Variation2 Variation 2 LUT Example   Variation 2 Curve   Variation 1 (from the original LUT pack) below I spent a few hours recently taking a look at the look Wes Anderson’s Asteroid City film grade. So here’s the basic deconstruction...

DieHard Ver1 Looks LUT Pack

DOWNLOAD the FREE extended Pack on this LINK: DieHard_LUT_Pack_from_Nick_Driftwood BONUS SPECIAL FREEBIE Download my DieHard01 and Eastman 5295 Film Emulation Curve LINK: DieHard01LUT+Eastman_5295_Emu_Curve Use the DieHard01 LUT on its own node, OR with the Eastman 5295 LUT placed on a final node (before film grain node) OR use the special Combo LUT in camera (vlt...

FREE! Driftwood ‘Bollywood LUT Pack vol.1’ for LUMIX S Series Cameras

I love India and I love the colour look and drama of many Bollywood movies. Here’s a few fab’s I’ve been referencing whilst designing these Luts  – and volume 2 is coming soon! Some favs:- Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India, 3 idiots, Newton, Pk. Black, Naacho Naacho, Dear Zindagi, Highway, Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye!, Kahaani, My Name is Khan, Ishqiya, Gangaajal, Devdas, Sholay – watch this epic...

FREE Luminance Stops False Color .vlt LUT

A luminance stops based False Color LUT to use with V-Log enabled cameras Showing 14+ DR of exposure values, you can use this LUT to properly expose and nail skin tones and the full scope of the luminance. Normally you would use LUMIX camera’s Luminance Stop function to judge each area of the image for...

FREE Weddings LUT Pack from Driftwood

Bit of a trial and error this one taking my Beauty LUT settings a bit further.   Essentially the looks are designed for lit interiors (b, c or d versions) or daylight (use the darker ‘a’ variations). I’ve been working on these on and off for a few months. Please give them a try all...

FREE! Driftwood Velvia50 Chroma LUT Set for V-Log or Real Time LUT

Driftwood Velvia 50 Chroma LUT and Final Driftwood Velvia 50 ChromaNS (Flat/Not Saturated) For V-Log or Real Time LUT sRGB version VLTs.   About Velvia50: Velvia 50 was a type of color film manufactured by Fujifilm. Color saturation: Velvia 50 is known for its highly saturated colors. It produces rich and vibrant colors, making it a...

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