DOWNLOAD the FREE extended Pack on this LINK: DieHard_LUT_Pack_from_Nick_Driftwood
Download my DieHard01 and Eastman 5295 Film Emulation Curve LINK: DieHard01LUT+Eastman_5295_Emu_Curve
Use the DieHard01 LUT on its own node, OR with the Eastman 5295 LUT placed on a final node (before film grain node) OR use the special Combo LUT in camera (vlt or 33size), on your monitor recorder (33 size) or as a quick node inside your NLE timeline!
Info about the Die Hard Extended LUT Pack
Here is the Version 1.00 of my Die Hard LUT Pack for you to experiment and play with. Its taken a number of weeks and tests to get some of these looks similar to a Kodak Eastman 5295 grade (the look is integrated for the sake of these LUTs) and the Die Hard film look. Let me know what you think. Free to try as usual. I will possibly produce some paid for power grades of the Eastman 5295 film emulation and look soon.
Tagging for `output to YouTube
Ensure when outputting to Rec709 in DaVinci Resolve you tick the ‘Color Space Tag / Gamma Tag’ tags under the ADVANCED tab in the ‘DELIVER’ page so you get the correct Output Colour Space for You Tube (use either Rec709 Gamma 2.4 for TV, or Rec709 Gamma 2.2 of YouTube/web). The LUTs were built under V-Log to Davinci Wide Gamut to Rec709 Gamma 2.4, D65 but they will transform correctly when the check box is ticked.
Hi accuracy 65 point NLE Cube Luts:
These are for NLE/editing apps. Add the LUT into the middle of your node structure (Exposure/Contrast/WB/Color Balance and Saturation primaries are pre created but you can adjust of course so long as you add ‘Before nodes’. Similar to my screen below.
33 Point Monitor Rec LUTs
Use these inside V-Log View Assist and tiurn on view on LCD (the LUT WILL NOT be baked into the recording but you get to see the Look’s intent). Add the LUTs by placing them into your LUT Library on camera/Monitor Recorder like BMD Video Assist HDR or Atomos Ninja V/V+.
Note: Older S Series cameras (older than S5II series) you may have to rename the long file names to view in camera to max 8 characters retaining the .cube extension.
17 Point Camera LUTs for V-Log View Assist and Real Time LUT
See 33 point above for the standard Panasonic vlt’s – these are much smaller vlt files – 17 points- over the 33 versions and consume less memory whilst still retaining the overall look.
In Photo modes/RTL (Real Time LUT mode for S5II/X cameras) recording modes you can place the sRGB versions of the VLTs into your LUT library instead.