DOWNLOAD the FREE extended Pack on this LINK: DieHard_LUT_Pack_from_Nick_Driftwood BONUS SPECIAL FREEBIE Download my DieHard01 and Eastman 5295 Film Emulation Curve LINK: DieHard01LUT+Eastman_5295_Emu_Curve Use the DieHard01 LUT on its own node, OR with the Eastman 5295 LUT placed on a final node (before film grain node) OR use the special Combo LUT in camera (vlt...
Tag: Varicam
Using V-Log? Be wary of Davinci Resolve’s Color Space Transform and Tone Mapping
When you use Davinci Resolve as your colorist NLE and Log to Rec709, be wary of using it’s CST applied to a node using the DR effects menu (and probably in Davinci Color Management too) and how it deals with V-Log footage. Here’s some graphs to show you what goes on in the color contrast...
V-Log V-Gamut LUT Pack Vol 1 Released! For Panasonic Cameras with V-Log V-Gamut such as the new Lumix S1 with V-Log, GH5/S, EVA-1, Varicam. Use .cube files for your NLE and .VLT files for in-camera. Finally! Over 100 Pro filmic V-Log LUT (Look Up Tables) for your purchase. Sorry I'm charging, its taken a good few months of analysis and grading to...