Download here by clicking this link: AsteroidCityLUT_ver1 UPDATE*** Download Variation 2 here: Asteroid City Variation2 Variation 2 LUT Example Variation 2 Curve Variation 1 (from the original LUT pack) below I spent a few hours recently taking a look at the look Wes Anderson’s Asteroid City film grade. So here’s the basic deconstruction...
Tag: Real Time Luts
DieHard Ver1 Looks LUT Pack
DOWNLOAD the FREE extended Pack on this LINK: DieHard_LUT_Pack_from_Nick_Driftwood BONUS SPECIAL FREEBIE Download my DieHard01 and Eastman 5295 Film Emulation Curve LINK: DieHard01LUT+Eastman_5295_Emu_Curve Use the DieHard01 LUT on its own node, OR with the Eastman 5295 LUT placed on a final node (before film grain node) OR use the special Combo LUT in camera (vlt...
FREE ‘RGBMan’ LUT – Subtle hint towards a Primary Colour Look
These may look like simple looks but its a highly tuned & balanced set of RGB LUTs for V-Log to use on your V-Log timeline to Rec709 Gamma 2.4. Each LUT is calculated to offer a nice clean subtle look without destroying other colours. They are balanced to 50% IRE from shadows to highlights...
Cinefilm LUTs 1 to 4 plus Linny and WDR Luts
A few new additions here for FREE. The complete pack of 33 & 65 size Cinefilm LUTs 1 to 4 plus WDR and Linny LUT recreations for V-Log / Realtime Luts on the S5II. If you’re grading on NLE please grade behind these luts on another node in Davinci Resolve or earlier part of your...