Nick Driftwood’s FREE Real Time LUT Pack

It’s been a real pleasure designing and crafting these Real Time LUTs from some of my back catalogue and some new. These are just a small portion of my designs and soon (great news) my LUTs WILL actually be available from LUMIX Lab App to make it much more easier to access my LUTs on the move! (Thanks Barney Sykes)

DOWNLOAD LINK to Nick Driftwood’s Real Time LUT Pack : FREE Real Time LUT PAck from Nick Driftwood

Driftwood_RTL LUT

All my Real Time LUTs in this pack are 33 size .cubes & have been crafted in either V-Log or Arri LogC3 and transformed to rec709 gamma 2.4 D65 / sRGB friendly as base. In the future I will be releasing them also in Arri LogC3 base. They have all been checked over for Middle Grey compliance using Arri’s 2 shot people chart – a moving video of their log chart which is available to download from Arri’s web site.

I will soon develop a LUMIX V-Log  Color Chart picture similar to Arri’s so keep an eye out for it.

Aquatic LUT- coming soon to LUMIX Lab

Many of my LUT designs are ;referenced’ color palettes created from real film stock imagery, motion picture looks from movies and, of course, experimentation. Each of my them have been smoothed with perfect roll-off so there are no abrupt changes across the tonal range and color referred (RGB) contrast curves like Ive seen in some people’s LUTs!!

Anyway there are some examples here but please do, try them out, and post me some of your own examples and I’ll feature them here together with a credit.

Below is a quick chart rundown of some of the LUTs I’m offering here on my web site. Lookout for the rest of them on LUMIX Lab.

Enjoy the LUTs and give me some feedback.

Best regards,

Nick Driftwood

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