The LUT that helps you keep subjects within 1.66 Stops Below (V-log 29% IRE) and 1.66 Stops Above (V-Log 56% IRE) Middle Gray whilst using V-Log! UPDATE: The Sony Cameras S-Log3 Version is HERE Goldilocks LUT is calculated to give you ‘just right‘ skin tones in gray scale exposure from minus 1.66 stops (29%IRE in...
Tag: LUTs
Nick Driftwood’s FREE Real Time LUT Pack
It’s been a real pleasure designing and crafting these Real Time LUTs from some of my back catalogue and some new. These are just a small portion of my designs and soon (great news) my LUTs WILL actually be available from LUMIX Lab App to make it much more easier to access my LUTs on...
SE7EN7 LUT for V-Log and OTHER Cameras FREE
Here’s a classic Rec709 LUT built by analysing all the Log to Rec709 Gamma 2.4 transform color and contrast from a range of top cameras (8 in all including Arri, RED, Sony, Canon, Nikon, BMD, Panasonic and Fuji) to bring you SE7EN7 LUT pack. Video Examples of SE7EN7 in Link at bottom The look is...
FREE Luminance Stops False Color .vlt LUT
A luminance stops based False Color LUT to use with V-Log enabled cameras Showing 14+ DR of exposure values, you can use this LUT to properly expose and nail skin tones and the full scope of the luminance. Normally you would use LUMIX camera’s Luminance Stop function to judge each area of the image for...
FREE Weddings LUT Pack from Driftwood
Bit of a trial and error this one taking my Beauty LUT settings a bit further. Essentially the looks are designed for lit interiors (b, c or d versions) or daylight (use the darker ‘a’ variations). I’ve been working on these on and off for a few months. Please give them a try all...
Driftwood ‘Beauty’ LUT Pack FREE!
Whilst out in Varna, Bulgaria I had the chance to shoot some local models and wanted to test out V-Log and produce some fashionable Beauty looks for a new series. And here they are. 12 LUTs for you to play with and Free! There are 65 size NLE LUTs for your NLE (e.g. FCPX, Premiere,...
Cinefilm LUTs 1 to 4 plus Linny and WDR Luts
A few new additions here for FREE. The complete pack of 33 & 65 size Cinefilm LUTs 1 to 4 plus WDR and Linny LUT recreations for V-Log / Realtime Luts on the S5II. If you’re grading on NLE please grade behind these luts on another node in Davinci Resolve or earlier part of your...
FREE – Matching V-Log Cameras to Canon ‘Cine’ Log 3 / Rec709
I’ve developed some Lumix V-Log V-Gamut to a more Canon Rec709 look as a lot of people have been commenting over the years that they’ve found it hard to match Lumix cameras with V-Log to Canon cameras. Using the popular Canon Cinema Gamut and Canon Log3, I’ve adjusted the colour science of V-Log primaries keeping...
I’m currently analysing the LUMIX S5II new sensor colour science and wanted to get your reaction on a few test LUTs with V-Log. There is an obvious lean towards Magenta in V-Log so in order to achieve better looking skin tones I have created a few test LUTs from my base S5II Technical Colour LUT....
False Color / Colour LUTs for V-Log / Real Time LUT use on Lumix S5II
Here’s some free False Colour LUTs for your LUMIX (V-Log) Camera. On the S5II I suggest you use the REAL TIME LUT to quickly switch to this False Colour LUT, loading them up via the LUT Library function. I’ve also added a Arri style False Colour and Atomos style False Colour LUT inside the zip....