Goldilocks ‘Just Right’ Skintones False Color LUT for V-Log FREE!

The LUT that helps you keep subjects within 1.66 Stops Below (V-log 29% IRE) and 1.66 Stops Above (V-Log 56% IRE) Middle Gray whilst using V-Log! UPDATE: The Sony Cameras S-Log3 Version is HERE Goldilocks LUT is calculated to give you ‘just right‘ skin tones in gray scale exposure from minus 1.66 stops (29%IRE in...

Tyger Tyger

Tiger Tiger – A William Blake Film A William Blake recital of his famous poem, The Tiger, retold by world renown wildlife photographer and conservationist, Aditya ‘Dicky’ Singh. The poem forms the narrative structure of moving images describing the tiger, its domain and its prey rather than traditional documentary style forms of storytelling. RIP: Sadly...

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