Goldilocks ‘Just Right’ Skintones False Color LUT for V-Log FREE!

The LUT that helps you keep subjects within 1.66 Stops Below (V-log 29% IRE) and 1.66 Stops Above (V-Log 56% IRE) Middle Gray whilst using V-Log!

UPDATE: The Sony Cameras S-Log3 Version is HERE

Goldilocks LUT is calculated to give you ‘just rightskin tones in gray scale exposure from minus 1.66 stops (29%IRE in V-Log) to plus 1.66 stops (or 56% IRE in V-Log) and anything outside of the ‘perfect’ sweet spots is coloured shades of gold as set out below. Personally, if I’m exposing flesh or most subject matters for correct luminance and color this is the area to have your limits in and so I’m not much interested in anything else!

V-Log IRE/Stops Table Values

  • V-Log IRE/Stops Table Value Calculations

    • Absolute black (0 to 7.5% IRE) 
    • -8 stops (8% IRE) Deep Gold
    • -7 stops (8% IRE)
    • -6 stops (9% IRE)
    • -5 stops (11% IRE)
    • -4 stops (14.5% IRE)
    • -3 stops (20% IRE)
    • -2 stops and below (26.5% IRE) Dark Shades of Gold
    • -1 & 2/3rds of a stop to -2 stops (apx 29% IRE)
    • -1 stop (34% IRE)
    • 0 stops (42% IRE) Middle Grey
    • +1 stop (50.5% IRE) 
    • +1.66 stop to 2 stops (55.8 (56 rnd) IRE)
    • +2 stops over (58.5% IRE Light Shades of Gold
    • +2 1/3 appx stops (61.5% IRE) (AKA 90% White) 
    • +3 stops (67% IRE)
    • +4 stops (75.5% IRE) 
    • +5 stops (84% IRE)
    • +6 stops (92.5% IRE)
    • +7 stops (101% IRE)
    • +8 stops (109% IRE) Clipping

    Quick Guide to colors and most used Stop zones:

Anything that ISN’T GOLD (ie NOT Dark to Light gold) and coloured in grayscale is inside the sweet spot ie ‘just right‘ as Goldilocks the story goes!

Goldilocks LUT placed over an Arri to V-Log transformed Color Chart

LUMIX S Series cameras give you around 14 and a third stops official dynamic range (8 stops below middle gray and 6 and a third stops above). CineD measured the S1H at 12.7 useable stops 2019 See LINK). Use following ISO for noise free V-Log scenarios

  • Use ISO640 V-Log dynamic range for noise free Daylight scenarios
  • Use ISO4000 V-Log dynamic range for noise free Lowlight scenarios

The LUMIX GH7 camera comes with 13+ stops (V-Log) (when Sensor output is 60fps or less) and 12+ stops (V-Log) (when Sensor output is 61fps or higher). CineD measured the LUMIX GH7 at 11.3 stops at SNR = 2 and 12.6 stops at SNR = 1. See LINK

Use following for noise free V-Log scenarios:

  • When sensor output is 60fps or less (Base ISO 500): Auto / 125-400 (Extended ISO) / 500-12800
  • When sensor output is 61fps or higher (Base ISO 250): Auto / 125-200 (Extended ISO) / 250-3200 / 4000-12800 (Extended ISO)

How to Use Goldilocks LUT

To use the LUT, place it over the top of any V-Log image, either in your LUMIX camera or in an NLE (like on a secondary node in Davinci Resolve). Adjust your exposure in camera or in a BEFORE Serial node in Davinci Resolve using the Offset wheel until the image or subject sweet spot falls into gray scale and NOT gold shaded. Once you’re happy the exposure is gray scaled, switch off the LUT and replace or add another node with a rec709 normalised LUT (like Panasonic’s own V-Log Rec709 default LUT and you should have a perfectly exposed ‘just right’ image. Say bye to the three bears!

Download Link to the free 33 size Goldilocks LUT: Goldilocks False Color by Nick Driftwood.cube

Here’s a few examples of the LUT working out:-

Shades of gold show under or over exposed areas e.g. – dark gold low reflectance, bright gold hi reflectance.

Whilst in V-Log apply the Goldilocks LUT in-camera or NLE, now adjust exposure until subject falls into shades of gray, then switch off Goldilocks and replace on a node or in camera with a rec709 normalised LUT and the result you’ll see is perfectly exposed subjects.

Enjoy using the LUT,

Nick Driftwood

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