Apocalypse Now LUT – Driftwood Eastman 5247 Emu – FREE Version

Finally! After weeks of testing here is the Apocalypse Now RC version 1.13 (version 1 to you guys) plus a beta test version of 1.14 for in camera use (vlt). When you’re grading your footage in Davinci Resolve please ensure you have the following settings setup to work with the LUTs (see pic below)

I’ve spent an age looking thru Eastman Kodak 5247 neg films, stills and tech specs inc my favourite film of all time Apocalypse Now (hence the LUT’ title!) The Shining, Bladerunner and many others and have built this look from the ground up and into this LUT for you to use.

Eastman Kodak Color Neg 5247 (1974–1983) is a subtractive 3 color: Chromogenic monopack, developed for Tungsten (and recommended to use Wratten 85B Amber gels for Daylight which have been carefully recreated for the LUT to warm up the look).

How you use the FREE Lut pack

All the LUTs are built using Panasonic V-Log to DWG to Rec709 – PLEASE USE the Davinci settings – see setting pic up above – else it won’t look nice!). Above is just a simple node tree to show off the LUT but you can integrate it into your own. Place just the MAIN LUT into a middle node (node 2) and grade before it on node 1 or within your own node setup – dont forget to do your exposure offset first. I’ve also included some pre grade (place on node 1 or before the main lut) and some post (node3) filters.

I’ve tried long and hard to reflect the look of the films with this LUT which exacerbates its push towards Amber yellows without killing reds, together with a beautiful brownish/bluish green filmic render – it mixes really well and pulls up EPIC with its filmic contrast – especially as seen in the latter years of re-grades of these movies. Skies have an almost cyan cast in bright conditions, skin tones are reddish-orange-brown and really pull out well when performing your final grade underneath this LUT.

Chart above: How I measured the transmittance of the Wratten 85B look

In the FREE version I’ve provided some node tree examples for Resolve from a huge Apocalypse Now Grading Pack (inc. power grades) that I will be releasing commercially shortly. Inside the free pack you get the basic 33 size LUTs and vlt’s plus a couple of before and after main node recommendations.

The full writeup will be in the commercial version.

As always, I hope you enjoy using this LUT as much as I do and PLEASE send me feedback for any improvements.

Bye for now,

Nick Driftwood

DOWNLOAD The LUT Packs below:

Use in Camera: ApocalypseNowLUT_vlt

Use in your NLE/Color App: Apocalypse Now NLE LUTs


Here’s some scenes from Apocalypse Now if you haven’t seen the film you’re in for a treat!


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