Download here by clicking this link: AsteroidCityLUT_ver1 UPDATE*** Download Variation 2 here: Asteroid City Variation2 Variation 2 LUT Example Variation 2 Curve Variation 1 (from the original LUT pack) below I spent a few hours recently taking a look at the look Wes Anderson’s Asteroid City film grade. So here’s the basic deconstruction...
Tag: Rec709
FREE! Driftwood Velvia50 Chroma LUT Set for V-Log or Real Time LUT
Driftwood Velvia 50 Chroma LUT and Final Driftwood Velvia 50 ChromaNS (Flat/Not Saturated) For V-Log or Real Time LUT sRGB version VLTs. About Velvia50: Velvia 50 was a type of color film manufactured by Fujifilm. Color saturation: Velvia 50 is known for its highly saturated colors. It produces rich and vibrant colors, making it a...
FREE ‘RGBMan’ LUT – Subtle hint towards a Primary Colour Look
These may look like simple looks but its a highly tuned & balanced set of RGB LUTs for V-Log to use on your V-Log timeline to Rec709 Gamma 2.4. Each LUT is calculated to offer a nice clean subtle look without destroying other colours. They are balanced to 50% IRE from shadows to highlights...
Driftwood ‘Beauty’ LUT Pack FREE!
Whilst out in Varna, Bulgaria I had the chance to shoot some local models and wanted to test out V-Log and produce some fashionable Beauty looks for a new series. And here they are. 12 LUTs for you to play with and Free! There are 65 size NLE LUTs for your NLE (e.g. FCPX, Premiere,...
FREE – Matching V-Log Cameras to Canon ‘Cine’ Log 3 / Rec709
I’ve developed some Lumix V-Log V-Gamut to a more Canon Rec709 look as a lot of people have been commenting over the years that they’ve found it hard to match Lumix cameras with V-Log to Canon cameras. Using the popular Canon Cinema Gamut and Canon Log3, I’ve adjusted the colour science of V-Log primaries keeping...
V-Log V-Gamut LUT Pack Vol 1 Released! For Panasonic Cameras with V-Log V-Gamut such as the new Lumix S1 with V-Log, GH5/S, EVA-1, Varicam. Use .cube files for your NLE and .VLT files for in-camera. Finally! Over 100 Pro filmic V-Log LUT (Look Up Tables) for your purchase. Sorry I'm charging, its taken a good few months of analysis and grading to...