I’ve spent a few weeks analysing film stocks of Kodachrome 64 and decided to bring my emulation to Lumix users. Matched to the tones of yore using a modern digital camera such as the Lumix S5II I wanted to see how the classic film stock responded to colour and identifying what is unique and what the effect is in colours and tones – especially skin tones.
So here is version 1 of what I’ve called the Kodakchrome set including variations for NLE users in ‘Darker’, ‘Dark, ‘Medium’, and ‘Less is More’ .cube versions for colour grading – placing in the AFTER position of your node runs or place it as a LUT higher in Premier/FCPX order of adjustments.
I’ve also included a Medium Kodachrome look LUT mixed with my Lumix S5II v2B LUT for using in Real Time LUT of V-Log View Assist, plus an sRGB variation of the same for photos.
Here’s how it looks on a colour corrected and normalised V-Log to Rec709 with and without the Kodachrome ‘Less is More’ variation below:-
Below, I show you how it looks in Davinci Resolve when its applied inside my Node Graphs – and I use two, one for clips and correction and normalisation and another simple node tree for the whole timeline. Here (see 2nd picture), I use my colour correction LUT (in this example its S5II v2B LUT) followed by the Kodakchrome emulation LUT.
Clip Node Tree
Timeline Node Tree
Then you can adjust the strength of the LUT if you like using the Node Key as below:-
LUTs for NLEs
Use the 65 size LUTs for your NLE / Davinci Resolve / Premier / FCPX. These are named as follows;-Driftwood Kodakchrome Film Emulation for rec709 Dark / Darker / Medium / Less is More cubes
LUTs for in camera
I’ve included a distilled S5II v2B colour correction mixed with Kodakchrome emulation for use in V-Log View Assist or Real Time LUT as a .cube 33 size and a .VLT 17 size version, plus there’s an sRGB variation for photography. They are called;-
Driftwood Kodakchrome Film Emulation for rec709 v-log view assist RTL 33 or 17 size for video, and,
Driftwood Kodakchrome sRGB PhotoLUT.vlt for photography.
Here’s version 1 of the Driftwood Kodakchrome 64 LUT pack to try out for FREE!