Bladerunner Look LUT Pack v1 for V-Log

Here are the Bladerunner v1 V-Log LUTs for you to try out FREE!

They have been built from the ground up with a close look at Eastman Kodak 5247 film emulation with a graded look towards Bladerunner bias. There a re a number of different Looks as you will notice for you to choose from.

The color look were first created at base level using various curve designs plus subtractive / additive color synthesis together with unique mixes of contrast, saturation and skin tonal ranges. Subsequently I have left numerous Deviance Wide Gamut versions for you to use directly in Davinci if you prefer – remember to end your node tree with an Display transform of for example Rec709 or Rec2020 HLG…etc…

The Rec709 versions of the LUTs are V-Log to DWG to Rec709 by design.
I can’t give all my color mixing work away for nothing hence why the included DPX files will not divulge my protected colour work – sorry! It took me a long time to produce so Im not going to give that stuff away. But the DPX versions show you how I got the look for some of the clips n the video promo and I use some power windows to demonstrate differing light even though it’s not really there. It is why I say do NOT take the grades and power windows as a replacement for real lighting! 🙂

As per usual, when using the Davinci 65 point versions of the LUT remember to BYPASS COLOR MANAGEMENT by right clicking over your clips in the COLOR tab as these LUTs have the correct transforms built-in.

There are 33 point size versions for in camera (or use the 17 point VLTs if you have older V-Log enabled cameras)

You can download the FREE compressed zip file folders of Bladerunner LUTs below:-


Rec709 LUTs

Powergrades in DPX files

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