Filmed on the Panasonic Lumix S1H and Atomos Ninja V in Apple Pro Res Raw and swiftly edited in Apple FCPX using Rec2020 PQ HDR, plus 24 hours of hell and the result is S1H Demobbed – a continuation of the camera ‘review’ series.
I’m working on some BTS footage and workflow information for Atomos so look out for it soon.
Full information is on Vimeo or You Tube. See links below.
You Tube PQ HDR Version:
Vimeo Version PQ HDR to compare with Vimeo:
Part III in the Demobbed Series: The Lumix S1
Part II in the ‘Demobbed’ Series ‘Le Cas’: Lumix GH4 (we started a GH5 one that never got finished!)
Part 1: Lumix GH3 Demobbed