I love shooting the odd portrait when I get the chance and in-between filmmaking. It kind of goes hand in hand as I shoot so many actors and performers that I often flick my S series or GH series cameras into photo mode – manual of course – and play with still image ideas.
It’s always interesting trying to capture the essence of the character in one single shot, in itself, often telling its own story. Here’s a selection of current images from the fabulous S series of cameras with their beautiful colour science – it just makes capturing that much more natural. I can’t help trying to achieve a cinematic feel to my pictures – counting on available light, fast aperture lenses, or continuous lighting to help achieve the mood that I’m after.
External Shots with model Roxi Skibinski
Shot on Panasonic Lumix S1 with Lumix Pro 70-200 f4 lens
Roxi Skibinski Model 24/5/2019
Internal Kasia Nalepa – Krakow Model
Shot on Panasonic Lumix S1 with Lumix Pro 70-200 f4 lens
Carla – Model at Sibui, Romania
Ian Shaw (Son of Jaws actor, Robert Shaw) – The Shark is Broken Promo Images
Panasonic Lumix S1, Panasonic Lumix S Pro 70-200mm f4
Arabella Gibbins – Audio for Video Workshop with Panasonic & Sennheiser
Screengrab from UHD Shot on Lumix S1, STD pic profile