For Panasonic Cameras with V-Log V-Gamut such as the new Lumix S1 with V-Log, GH5/S, EVA-1, Varicam. Use .cube files for your NLE and .VLT files for in-camera. Finally! Over 100 Pro filmic V-Log LUT (Look Up Tables) for your purchase. Sorry I'm charging, its taken a good few months of analysis and grading to...
Tag: S1
Lumix S1 Custom Modes for Video
Introduction As many of you will have seen, I’ve been using Panasonic’s new Full Frame Mirrorless camera, the Lumix S1, since the start of the year. This is a great camera for photographers with its 24MP FF sensor offering really good low light performance – its very clean even at 10000 ISO! But it also...