A luminance stops based False Color LUT to use with V-Log enabled cameras Showing 14+ DR of exposure values, you can use this LUT to properly expose and nail skin tones and the full scope of the scene. Each stop essentially mirrors the LUMIX Luminance Stop reading and assigns a color as below.
With this LUT placed on V-Log View Assist or on a custom photo style using ‘My Picture Profile’ on the back of the V-Log main profile setting you can check for exposure values corresponding to the color chart I have created for each stop. Half stops are also used either side of middle grey to truly nail skin tones.
In the free edition – a 17 point .vlt version of the Luminance Stops False Color LUT is available together with jpg images to use on your phone’s wallpaper. I have created iPhone and Google Pixel 7 versions which will probably work with other phones too. More phone wallpapers will become available in the paid version on request.
The paid edition (only £5 or your currency equivalent +£4.99 P&P) the pack also includes a 33 and 65 size LUT version for monitors and DaVinci Resolve / color grading software to enable you to check exposure in post. You also get two professionally printed colour stickers to stick on the back of a X-Rite Passport or the rear side of your phone cover. These will be mailed out to your chosen address. Please don’t forget to include this!
The LUT is measured on full V-Log 14+ stops of DR
How to use the LUT?
To use the Luminance Stops False Color LUT you will find middle grey at 0 stops is clearly indicated along with shadows shown by green, blue and purple chips for shadow areas (from minus half stop upto -8 stops under middle grey) and grey, yellow, orange to reds/white (blowout) chips detailing from +half stop upto 6+ stops.
Darker skin tones under V-Log will fall under the green (26.5% V-Log IRE) to grey chips whilst lighter skin tones will fall above middle grey up to the Yellow (58.5% V-Log IRE) / orange chips. Dark shadows or under exposed image areas will show blue (20% IRE V-Log) to purple whilst strong highlights will begin to show red (84% IRE V-Log) or even white if it you blow out. Please experiment to get used to this system – it’s fairly straight forward.
The LUT is best used on V-Log View Assist – that way it won’t be burned into the recording and is just an overlay – select the LSFC_DWD .vlt LUT after you’ve loaded it into the camera (i.e. using LUT Library) & turn it on using ‘LUT View Assist (Monitor)’.
Note: This LUT is for monitoring V-Log exposures and should NOT be used to expose Rec709 picture profiles as it won’t show correct results.
V-Log IRE/Stops Table Value Calculations
- Absolute black (0 to 7.5% IRE) Deep Purple
- -8 stops (8% IRE)
- -7 stops (8% IRE)
- -6 stops (9% IRE)
- -5 stops (11% IRE)
- -4 stops (14.5% IRE)
- -3 stops (20% IRE)
- -2 stops (26.5% IRE) Green
- -1 stop (34% IRE)
- -0.5 of a stop (apx 38% IRE)
- 0 stops (Middle gray, 42% IRE) Grays
- +0.5 stop (46.25 (46 rnd) IRE)
- +1 stop (50.5% IRE)
- +2 stops (58.5% IRE) Gold
- +2.33 stops (61.5% IRE AKA 90% White)
- +3 stops (67% IRE)
- +4 stops (75.5% IRE)
- +5 stops (84% IRE) Red
- +6 stops (92.5% IRE) Pink
- +7 stops (101% IRE) White
- +8 stops (109% IRE) White
Quick Guide to colors and most used Stop zones:
Insert address to send stickers inc. Country and Zip code into message box